You are not alone.  While we would never wish phobias, anxiety and panic on anyone it is somewhat comforting to know that famous people suffer too.

Celebrity chef Paula Dean, actress Kim Basinger, director Woody Allen, and Nobel laureate for literature Elfriede Jelinek have all suffered from agoraphobia.

Footballer David Beckham, winning writer, actor and director Billy Bob Thornton, actress Jessica Alba and even the twentieth century billionaire aviator and entrepreneur Howard Hughes ("The Aviator") all suffered from OCD.


Many refer to anxiety attack and panic attack as being one and the same but there are some differences. The main difference being the duration of the attack and the intensity.  Whilst anxiety attack symptoms are less hi-stress, they tend to last longer than the power-packed panic symptoms -- which are far more intense. Usually an anxiety attack comes on more gradually than a panic attack which is sudden and without warning.

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