Recently this Squidoo lens was awarded a purple star! To visit the Squidoo lens please visit here: Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety.

So what is a purple star then?  

It is a page that is handpicked by Squidoo's editors as one of the most remarkable pages on their site. 

Naturally it must have certain characteristics and was nominated for it's usefulness as well as quality.  Do hope you'll drop by and find some useful treatment  for stress and anxiety!  Give it your thumbs up!

Most of us want a treatment for our disorder that is not obtrusive and does not rely on medication.

You may like to try these sites for solutions to OCD or these natural remedies for anxiety and stress.

I particularly like the Laughter Yoga solution -- laughter being the best medicine!  See it at Natural Remedied for Anxiety and Stress

Good luck!
Most fear is induced by excessively magnifying a real danger or by the illusion of fictitious dangers through excessive and misdirected psychical reactions...or as I have hear it put, False Expectation Appear Real.  Yes, fear does exist. But it exists in your life only by your permission, not because it is useful as a warning against "evil."

Whenever you get anxious or even THINK about a situation that bothers you, your mind remembers your past anxiety attacks and how you responded. It doesn’t have to try very hard to remember and get in touch with those feelings because the reaction was so strong it left quite an impression in your memory. Remember how easy it was to recall your first attack and how vivid it still is?

Your mind mistakenly makes the wrong association between ANY anxiety and that extreme reaction you had. It assumes that there must be a threat and it needs to protect you using the fight or flight reaction.

Every time you get anxious and have that same reaction, or avoid the situation to escape the anxiety, you tell your mind that it’s RIGHT to consider it a dangerous threat that needs to be avoided.

Your anxiety is the same way. Practice it like you have been, and very quickly, your mind learns how to react by what you teach it and pretty soon you don’t even think about it anymore. Your mind KNOWS how to react, so it doesn’t bother you with questions, it just does it. You don’t even get a choice anymore.

Understand why traditional learning won’t affect your anxiety once you’ve gotten used to reacting with fear?

You need to teach it to react differently.

The good news is that if you can teach your mind to react poorly and with anxiety, you can also teach it to react with calm and peace.  Try the Panic Puzzle!